Thursday, June 4, 2009

To Grandma-A Reflection Read at Her Funeral

Oh Grandma! Where to start?! You were a refuge, your home was an oasis in lifes storms.

You were a woman ahead of your time, open minded and non-judgemental, willing to hear both sides of the story.

You showed us the importance of family, of spending time with each other and loving each other, no matter what-and there have been plenty of whats....

You were encouraging through many wrong notes, interesting rhythyms, and strange harmonies.

You maintained your dignity throughout each illness and told us when you were ready to go and then went, exactly when you wanted to, with your family holding you here on earth and the rest of your family welcoming you on the other side.

Words cannot express how much we will miss you, how much we will long for the sound of you at the piano, the sound of your laugh and your accepting spirit.

Be at peace grandma, your feet don't hurt anymore, you can see again, and can play each song as you once did. I love you, we all love you, and someday I hope to see you again.

Monday, March 30, 2009


He is frail but his mind is sharp, they sit together in the living room as they have for 67 years and talk about their children, they have two, and their 5 grandchildren. He was a carpenter and its frustrating for him that he has to sit, to use a walker, to worry about falling again. She takes care of his every need and after all this time, he is still complimentary about her. He says "she is a wonderful housekeeper, a fabulous mother, I don't know what I'd do without her." She smiles and nods, she pats his leg and he looks at her with deep affection. I sit there and hope that someday I will do the same thing with my husband, sit on the couch and hold hands, that I will feel the same gratitude that these two feel for each other, the total acceptance of each others triumphs and failings and admiration towards each other after all those years. That is committment, that is love, and it is beautiful.