Saturday, September 6, 2008

A Grassroots Organization Worthy of Joining

So somehow I have to figure out how to take maternity leave without losing my house. Did you know that the US and Australia are two of the only countries without some sort of paid maternity leave? I know women who have gone back to work two weeks after delivery. This is terrible for both mother and baby. We are one of the wealthiest countries in the world and we don't give a hoot about families or healthcare. Check this out; a graph of countries and what they offer for paid maternity leave. Even the poorest countries in Africa have it. What is up with this? I"m not usually a huge political activist but whining isn't going to solve anything......


Federal employees may be the first ones to reap the benefits of paid maternity leave if the bill passes. Why not everyone else?


Anonymous said...

I didn't actually know there wasn't paid maternity leave there. Good luck with the campaign - I am astonished to be frank.

antiSWer said...

I'm shocked that Australia doesn't have benefits, as some of their social policies are quite liberal.

I hope things change for the US soon in that respect. Anyone who has even glanced at attachment theory knows how important those very early years are for a child.

grits said...

Nope no paid coverage. If you don't have sick or vacation time you are out of luck completely in terms of getting anything paid. You may even lose your job if you work for a company that doesn't have enough employees to qualify for the federal family and medical leave act which saves a mother's job but provides no other benefits. During this time I also have to pay for my health insurance which is over $40 a week. United Kingdom and Canada need any social workers?

Anonymous said...

That is really harsh. It's a wonder anyone has children there. Seriously. And unsurprisingly, there is a massive shortage of social workers here - some areas (my own included) have actually been on recruiting missions to the US and Canada!

antiSWer said...

"United Kingdom and Canada need any social workers?"

Hehe...always. I have a classmate going to the UK right after graduation with a guaranteed job and I know I'll be more than fine in Canada when I grad in 8 months.

AtYourCervix said...

Wouldn't it be awesome if we could achieve all of this in our lifetime??